Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thought of the day: Happiness

Thought of the day: Happiness

How to Find Happiness?
We often ask our self about it. what really makes you happy? Is it hitting the bulls eye make you happy?

Happiness it is defined by Merriam - Webster Dictionary as a state of well-being and contentment. We usually laugh and cry sometimes when we are happy. We do all sorts of things just to be happy.

I remember a story I read in a newspaper clippings way back my elementary days. It is a story about a person that has a different way of seeing things. He is happy when he is hungry and he is sad when he is full. The article explained his different behavior. The reason why he is happy when he is hungry is because the next thing to that is he will be full and the reason why he is sad when he is full is because the next thing to that is he will be hungry. That made me think for a while and see the bottom line of it. Some people aim for something and thinks that it will make them happy. One example of this is when we set a goal for ourself, we often hit the goal and after that ask our self whats next?

As the years go by, we are we constantly hitting our goals. Then the question still pops up. "How to Find Happiness?". Let us go back to the definition of the word "Happiness" and I guess we can find the answer.

Yes! It is being contented on what we have now. Not looking at the past and worrying about the future. After all the best things in life are Free, right?

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